
Messy Play?

Messy play is all about exploring the world at the pace of your little one. They get to express themselves and of course get as messy as they wish!

  • Many are unaware that messy play is more than just a mess that YOU don't have to clean up. It can play a major role in the development of your child's early years.

  • Self Autonomy

    Messy Play is a child led activity so they get to choose how to engage with the materials, instilling confidence in their decision making and encouraging independent play

  • Fine Motor Skills

    Working with varied textures prompts children to approach and handle them in different ways. This learning goes hand in hand with gross motor skill development and together they allow coordination

  • Creative Thinking

    Children are encouraged to engage and explore, led by their curiosity and imagination. This type of cognitive expression transfers to problem solving.

  • Fosters Maths Skills

    Engaging hands-on activities offer opportunities to count and measure. Your child will identify and describe shapes, practice matching and compare objects, these are all the early steps in recognizing patterns and learning numbers.

Our messy play classes are not goal oriented. Instead, it offers your little one the freedom to explore at their own pace. Each session will introduce a new theme, taking your child on a journey of discovery that can engage all 5 senses.

At Squidge Monsters we understand that an activity that's more "clean up" than play, is not at the top of your to do list BUT that's why you have us.

That’s why we're here.